Thursday, July 30, 2009
What do you love most about your job?
What do you hate most about your job?
For me, I probably love my flexible schedule the most. You really cannot beat every other Friday off and every OTHER Friday working til 12 or so. Also, the fact that they don't block many internet sites here absolutely rules. The things I probably hate the most are my supervisor and the many, many, MANY inefficiencies and lack of sensical things that go on around here.
Please comment.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Taylor Swift's new video
The sun is out, and there are realllly huuuuuuge raindrops. I love love LOVE it. I can hear it hitting my office window behind me, and I love it. I am sitting here wishing I could go out and run in it. I love doing that.
Yarn contest!
Click here for the link!
Just a lil reminder...
Life is short!
Break the rules!
Forgive quickly!
Kiss slowly!
Love truly,
Laugh uncontrollably,
Pray without ceasing,
and never regret anything that made you smile.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Has everyone seen this???
Monday, July 20, 2009
Run, run, run, run, run!
Anyone want to join us?
Tornado Dreams
You know how sometimes when you dream, you might be in your house, but it isn't really your house? That is what happened in the first tornado dream. In the dream, it was MY house that was being destructed by the tornado, but it wasn't MY real house in real life. Anyway, I survived that one unscathed, and that was pretty much the extent of it. It came and tore up my house, and then I woke up.
Yesterday's dream took place in Lake Wylie. And Beth Funderburk was in it. For those of you who don't know her, she is a girl I went to school with since elementary school. We were never really friends, but we were always in the same classes together all through high school. Anyway, she was driving me from my dad's house to my mom's, and as soon as we got out on the main road, there were no cars on the road. Instead, they were all in the ditch along the side of the road, bumper to bumper. I was so confused as to why the cars weren't driving on the road and naturally instructed her to just drive down the road, when she pointed out that there was a tornado behind us. Soon after that, we noticed one in front of us as well. It was then that I decided we better stop and get out. So we did. We pulled off the side of the road and laid on the ground. It soon became apparent that the only reason I wasn't blowing away was because Beth was holding me down. I then got the bright idea that we should roll across the ground and be blocked from the "wind" by an old Volkswagen Beetle which was nearby. So we did. Then, Beth started yelling about how she wished the car would be lifted up by one of the many tornadoes that kept coming up, all the while holding me down to keep ME from blowing away. Nice of her, I suppose. Now, I had a bag with us containing stuff belonging to both Beth and me. Of course it all got blown out of the bag, but naturally didn't blow away. So, at one point, we thought the storms were over, and Beth disappeared, leaving me to gather up our things and put them back in the bag. Then, I started walking down the road and realized that the tornadoes were still coming, so I ducked into a house, where lo and behold, there was Beth. With Lori Baird. For those of you who don't know her, she also went to high school with me. The three of us were "safe" and watching the tornadoes continue out a large window in the front room of this house when I woke up. So bizarre.
I don't know about any of you, but I am really fascinated by dreams. Most of the time, I don't remember mine.... but I definitely think they all have some kind of meaning. So, those of you who know me well know that I google EVERYTHING. Naturally, then, I looked up online dream dictionaries. See below for what I found about tornadoes.
To see a tornado in your dream suggests that you are experiencing some extreme emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. Is there a situation or relationship in your life that may be potentially destructive? To dream that you are in a tornado, signifies that you are feeling overwhelmed and out of control. You will be met with a series of disappointments for the next week or so. Your plans will be filled with complications. To see several tornadoes in your dream, represent people around you who are prone to violent outbursts and shifting mood swings. It may also symbolize a volatile situation or relationship.
If you dream that you are caught up in a tornado, or see other people in one, or you are in danger from a tornado, then you will find all your well laid business plans come to naught and failure will dog your footsteps until you do something to change your chances of success; more education, better training or so forth.
-An overwhelming or destructive situation in real life, most likely out of the dreamer's control.
-A feeling or fear of being taken advantage of or victimized, especially suddenly or in an unpredictable way.
Being overwhelmed by work or circumstances. You are stressed out. If you are overtaken: Things are out of control in your life. If you escape from or avoid it: You are stressed but can handle the situation.
Tornado is a violent storm in nature, and it may represent violent emotional storms in your dreams. If you have reoccuring tornado dreams, consider the emotional changes in your life and also the amount of anger and rage that you may be currently experiencing. Tornadoes could also represent disruptions and upsets in your immediate environment and specific or current issues that may be overwhelming.
So, based on this research, I conclude that work is stressing me out and causing me to dream about tornadoes. That or the CPA exam.... but I think it is changes at work more likely.
Do you ever have crazy dreams? Ever dream about the same thing more than once? How often do you remember your dreams? Ever dreamt of tornadoes? Please comment. I am fascinated.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
This post is brought to you by the letter L...

So far, mine are not looking near as bright and exciting as I hope they will. I may have to make some adjustments to them, but I am just excited to have found some. Now, I just need to decide which wall to put them on while I continue my search! The blogger I am copying did mention someone with an etsy shop selling letters - and you can get 20% off by mentioning "Artsy" in your notes to seller! However, I checked and didn't see an L for sale.......
Here is another example of a letter wall using the letter H.
I just think they are so cute!
Mom's visit!
And I'd like to say a very big thanks to Mom for all your help cleaning up my house! I love you!
Happy Birthday, Steve!
And awaaaay she gooooes!
It has been a looooong time since I've done that. Well on my way to running a 5k next month.
Oh yeah... Jake did it, too.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Cupcakes, anyone?
Study, study, study
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Afternoon activities!
Also, tomorrow is Steve's birthday, and he has chosen to celebrate it tonight at the Columbia Blowfish game followed by some quality time at Flying Saucer! Steve is one of my best friends, and I am really excited to be celebrating his 25th birthday! WOW. I cannot believe he is that old. In other exciting news, my friend Robert (Steve's brother) is coming into town for the birthday shenanigans and bringing his new girlfriend, so I am very excited to see him and meet her, and for him to meet Jake as well! Robert has been in law school up in Minnesota for the past couple years and I cannot even remember the last time I saw him, so I am doubly (is doubly even a word?) excited about that! These two boys are like family to me, and I don't see them near enough.
So, I have a very fun afternoon/evening ahead - movie and baseball game and Flying Saucer with some of my all time favorite people! What could be better? Let's hope it doesn't rain on us at the game like it did last year. If it does, that just means more time at the Saucer!
I hope to get some good pics tonight!!!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
A Capitol Fourth!

Here is the view from the top of Lark's building.
Saturday morning, we got up and headed back into D.C. for a reading of the Declaration of Independence in front of the National Archives and the parade. We ended up skipping out on the reading and grabbed ourselves a prime spot for the parade. Jake did go over and get some pics for us of the front of the National Archives, and more hotdogs were consumed while we waited for the parade to begin.

The National Archives - reading of the Declaration of Independence
None of my fireworks pics came out very good, so I won't post any on here, but it should be noted that they were AMAZING! Sooooo beautiful - exploding right behind the Washington Monument. Best in the nation. The metro was PACKED leaving the mall after the fireworks, but we managed to get back to Lark's with no trouble and in less than an hour. We took a total of 429 pictures and videos over the course of our 4 day weekend, so I have really just posted the highlights here. One video is of me trying to do a cartwheel on the National Mall. haha
Anyway, we had a FANTASTIC 4th of July holiday weekend in the D.C. area, and we want to give a HUGE thanks to Lark for letting us come stay with her! We do hope she'll let us come back again sometime, and Lark - come visit us in Columbia! Hope everyone's 4th was as great as ours!
Happy Birthday, America!