
Thursday, July 9, 2009

Afternoon activities!

This afternoon, Jake and I are getting off work at 3pm. We were supposed to head to Charlotte to see Aerosmith with some friends, but the show was cancelled due to artist injury. So, we decided instead to go see the movie Up! in 3D at 4:30 and get that crossed off both of our lists.

Also, tomorrow is Steve's birthday, and he has chosen to celebrate it tonight at the Columbia Blowfish game followed by some quality time at Flying Saucer! Steve is one of my best friends, and I am really excited to be celebrating his 25th birthday! WOW. I cannot believe he is that old. In other exciting news, my friend Robert (Steve's brother) is coming into town for the birthday shenanigans and bringing his new girlfriend, so I am very excited to see him and meet her, and for him to meet Jake as well! Robert has been in law school up in Minnesota for the past couple years and I cannot even remember the last time I saw him, so I am doubly (is doubly even a word?) excited about that! These two boys are like family to me, and I don't see them near enough.

So, I have a very fun afternoon/evening ahead - movie and baseball game and Flying Saucer with some of my all time favorite people! What could be better? Let's hope it doesn't rain on us at the game like it did last year. If it does, that just means more time at the Saucer!

I hope to get some good pics tonight!!!

1 comment:

  1. Haha... where do I begin on that night of debauchery? Was it where Steve professed his undying love for number one seven (Jake Astor) or where 8 of us started chanting 'Woolite! Woolite! Woolite!'. Wild and crazy, wild and crazy. Oh yeah, the 3d movie was freakin amazingly awesome. I don't want to see these 'regular' movies, they bore me now. I want stuff jumping out at me like the salmon of capistrano. True Story.


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