I have not really been able to blog much lately due to my increased amount of study time. I was off work this past Friday, so I had three full days of study time right before my exam. Jake surprised me with some more orange roses and enough Diet Cokes to last me through the weekend, and he was nice enough to leave me alone most of the time so I could study. We did manage to have Dustin over for some good times on Friday night, and we were able to meet Mandy, Stephen, Nicole, and Jason for dinner last night before they head off on their cruise, but other than that, the weekend was mostly filled with studying. And whining about studying, I'm not gonna lie. But, I am happy to announce that today at 1:17 pm, I finished my first part of the CPA exam (Business Environment and Concepts)! Now, the rest of this week I can focus on helping Jake finish moving his stuff over here and get ready for our beach vacation! But first, we are going to a movie this afternoon! I am trying to decide between the following: The Hangover, Julie & Julia, The Proposal, The Time Traveler's Wife, and The Ugly Truth.
Here's to hoping I passed the exam!
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