
Monday, November 21, 2011

Finally got DVR!

So, my husband and I have apparently been living in the Stone Ages and just recently upgraded to digital cable with DVR. We've had it ALMOST a month now, and so far I am LOVING it. Although, I wouldn't say we are huge TV watchers. Jake definitely isn't. I used to be, but while I was studying for the CPA exam, I kinda quit watching most shows, even those that were my favorites. That pretty much continued up until we got DVR.

I'd watch my regular summer favorite, Big Brother, but I had stopped with old favorites like Grey's Anatomy and Brothers and Sisters before it went off the air. It was just too hard to keep up with the plot lines of shows that continued like those series.

So, now that the CPA exam is well behind me and now that we have DVR, I am trying to get back into TV! I just need to figure out when shows come on so I can set up the DVR to record. Two shows that are new this fall that I actually caught up with using the OnDemand feature are Up All Night and Revenge. Jake and I have been watching Up All Night periodically, but I just started watching Revenge over the weekend. We both enjoy Up All Night... it is amazing when a show can actually make Jake laugh out loud. And I am HOOKED on Revenge! I think the episodes I was able to watch are 4-6, so I need to go back and start from the beginning to find out a little more of the background, but it is SUCH a good show!

What are some other good shows, new this season or otherwise? Tell me what you're watching! Anyone else new to DVR? No? Just us then. Let me know!


  1. First, I'm totally a CPA so yay for another CPA blogger!

    Second, if you like Up All Night, you will LOVE Modern Family. It's probably the best comedy sitcom put on air in ages.

  2. YAY for a CPA blogger reader!

    I actually tried to find that one and The Middle On Demand last night, but they didn't have either of those! I am definitely going to try to check them both out tomorrow night. Thanks for the suggestion!


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