Earlier today, my husband told me about this Target coupon which can get you a $10 gift card for spending $50. So, today after our dentist appointments, we went by there to pick up a few things I wanted like a frame we needed for my brother's Christmas present and a few more Christmas decor items like these super cute aluminum reindeer.

Images from target.com
Aren't they cute?
Problem was, we got to the checkout and forgot to use our coupon. I didn't even remember we had it until we were sitting down for a quick bite to eat at Qdoba afterwards. I was so disappointed, so I had Jake run me back by the Target store when we finished dinner to see if I could take the coupon and the receipt to the Guest Services counter to get our gift card. Sure enough, they did it for us, and it took all of 3 seconds. Literally. Just a quick scan of the receipt and coupon and that gift card was ours. Woot! Definitely worth it to me to stop back by there.
Anyway, if you're like me, getting Target gift cards for spending money on stuff you were planning to buy anyway is super exciting news for you! So, you should use it, too! But you'll need to hurry as it expires this Saturday. Happy shopping!
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